Want to know how to stay safe when riding MTS buses and Trolleys? Just Think FAST! (Fun And Safe Transit). When you Think FAST, you will not only enjoy all the benefits of riding transit, like saving money and reducing your carbon footprint, but you'll help keep yourself, your friends and family members safe! Here are some important things to remember when waiting, boarding or riding MTS.
While at a Stop or Station
Stay Alert
Look both ways before crossing the tracks or street. Never move around a vehicle that blocks your visibility.
Use Crosswalks
Always use designated crosswalks at transit centers, and designated crossing areas on Trolley tracks.
Remove Headphones on Platforms
Please wear headphones while riding, but remove them when on platforms or near buses.
Stay Behind the Line
When waiting for the Trolley or bus, be sure to stay to behind the line.
No Jumping or Climbing between Trolleys
Crossing between Trolley cars may cause serious injury.
Walk, Don’t Ride
Walk your bike, scooter or skateboard on platforms or sidewalks for your safety and those around you.
Keep Off Tracks
Do not trespass in any area not meant for the public. Stay off the train tracks at all times, except when crossing in designated crosswalks.
Don’t Chase a Moving Vehicle
Do not run after or touch a moving vehicle. Doing so may cause serious injury.
Watch the Gates
Pay attention to crossing gates. If the gate is moving down, wait until all trains clear and the gates return to the up position.
Use Accessibility Ramp
Press the blue ADA button on Trolley doors to use the ramp for boarding and exiting. On board Trolley, press button (or ADA seat pull) before arriving at your stop. On buses, please ask the operator to deploy ramp.
When Riding
Always Hold On
Hold on to a hand rail at all times as vehicles start, stop and change directions frequently.
Remain Seated
If seated, wait until the vehicle comes to a complete stop before getting up from your seat.
Keep Aisles Clear and Don’t Block Doors
Keep vehicle aisles clear of personal belongings so other riders can move through the vehicle. Keep doorways clear to allow other passengers to board and exit freely.
Stay Awake
If seated, wait until the vehicle comes to a complete stop before getting up from your seat.
When Boarding or Exiting
Watch Your Step
Always look where you are going and avoid using your cell phone. Surface heights change inside and outside of vehicles.
Alert the Bus Operator Before Loading Bike
Inform the operator that you need to load or remove a bike before stepping in front of the vehicle.
Pull Carts Behind You
If traveling with a cart, always board or exit the vehicle first, pulling your cart behind you to help reduce the risk of tripping or falling.
MTS Security
If you experience harassment or illegal behavior, contact MTS Security immediately.
Ride Assured 24/7 Security Hotline:
Text: 619-318-1338
Call: 619-595-4960
About Think FAST
Safety is always first at MTS! Our Think FAST safety campaign is intended to help the public avoid accidents and/or injuries while on or around the MTS transit system. We want everyone to have a positive experience while riding transit by following the simple safety tips outlined in the Think FAST campaign.